Group workshop

At the heart of each intervention, a group of individuals form a team with a single goal: to learn. Guidelines are put in place so that everyone can push back the boundaries of their uncertainties and make a difference in their professional practice. The advisor acts as a shepherd, guiding the group through the learning process. Our methodology is inspired by the work of Wenger-Trayner and Wenger-Trayner (2020).

Who is the program for?

Coaching teams

Individuals from the same team or organization who wish to revisit their approach and way of doing things

Sports federations

National or provincial, it's a federation that aspires to achieve its goals.

Professional organizations

Major league organization seeking to develop its competitive edge

Here's what you do

The structure and duration of the workshop can be adapted to the needs of coaches and managers. The workshop can be spread over one or more sessions.


The team

Let's find out together how we can make a difference.

Whether it's to win a game, increase efficiency or invent a new product, any group of individuals with big ambitions must first learn to work together and thus form a real team. Our workshops invariably start with activities to get you into this frame of mind.

What are you going to do about it?

With the help of your advisor, you'll determine the rules of the game and the rules of engagement for how we learn as a team.


The plan

Find out what we're up against and how we're going to solve it.

If the aim of our team is to learn, we need to identify our objectives. To do this, we'll analyze our challenge from different perspectives, to identify the question we're trying to answer together.

What are we going to do?

‍Wedraw on your experiences and reality in the field to enrich perspectives on the issue at the heart of the discussions. Together, we discuss what we know or don't know about the issue, identify the people (practitioners or researchers) who can enlighten us and the relevant questions to ask.


The challenge

Question our ways of doing things and co-create solutions to our challenges

The heart of our workshops is the moment when we experiment with ideas, challenge some of our beliefs and healthily question our ways of doing things. Under the benevolent supervision of the consultant, the team will be led to push back the boundaries of their uncertainties in order to validate or discover best practices.

Q‍u're you going to do?

Depending on the team and the question, various learning activities are envisaged. Here are a few examples:

  • Guided discussion of the content of a Time Out episode, a scientific article or a book.
  • Analysis of a team member's experience or problems
  • 15/75 formula: 15 minutes of theory & 75 minutes of discussion


Capture the value generated by your participation in the workshop

Just as in the end-of-game speech where the coach takes the time to identify a few good moves and things to work on, the TBP advisor will create a space to reflect on the experience.

Q‍u'allons-nous faire?

The formula changes according to the nature of the activity and the number of sessions, but it's all about giving ourselves a moment without "new content" to reflect on what participation has generated in terms of value for the participant. This can be in a word, a phrase, concrete actions or good questions... It's up to us to determine what's most relevant!

You're thinking of working with us

An effective approach that has helped over 60 coaches and more than 15 sports organizations.
Contact us

The people we accompany work in the following organizations or leagues:

Other services

For sports teams, business leaders or educational establishments.

Individual support

Master your learning to accelerate your career and improve your performance.

Perfect for
Professional trainers
Sports directors

Scientific mandate

Use the scientific approach to find solutions to the challenges facing your sports organization.

Perfect for
Sports federations
Government institutions
Professional organizations