Vitor Ciampolini


As a scientific analyst, my mission is to make the best scientific resources applicable to the specific contexts of the people I work with, and to encourage positive change in sport.


Sports education
Positive development of the adolescent athlete
Promoting life skills through sport
Structuring learning processes
Training and development of sports coaches


Vitor Ciampolini is Brazilian and holds a PhD in Physical Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). During his studies, he was selected by government programs to participate in exchanges at SUNY Oswego and Syracuse University (USA) and at the University of Ottawa. Vitor began his scientific career in 2013 in a sports pedagogy laboratory and has since studied and published work focusing mainly on coach training and the positive development of young people through sport.

Vitor worked for two years as a basketball coach for children and young people. During this time, he tested various strategies discussed in the scientific literature on teaching life skills, such as respect and teamwork. Thanks to this experience and the publication of scientific articles, Vitor became a leading figure in this field in Brazil and began providing consultancy services to large organizations seeking to promote youth development through sport. In 2020, Vitor took part in a major project for the Brazilian Olympic Committee aimed at structuring a guidance document for the development of coaches and athletes in the country.

Since immigrating to Canada in 2023, Vitor has worked with TrèsBonPoint on coach and coach trainer training projects. Vitor has collaborated and led activities based on social learning theory, including encouraging meaningful interactions during training encounters to enhance learning. Although he comes from a beautiful island in Brazil (Florianópolis) where he surfed, the Canadian winter didn't deter Vitor, who did his best to make the most of the low temperatures by mountain skiing and skating on the Rideau Canal in Ottawa.


Doctorate in Physical Education (2022)

Federal University of Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Thesis title: Development of life skills through sport: from a conceptual understanding to a bioecological investigation in rugby.

Master's degree in physical education (2018)

Federal University of Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina, Brazil

‍Bachelor's degreein 'physical education (2016)

Federal University of Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina, Brazil



  • U12, U15 and U17 basketball coach (2018-2020)
  • Adult wheelchair tennis coach (2012-2013)


Lecturer at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2022-2023)

  • Recreational swimming
  • Recreational volleyball
  • Games and toys from popular culture
  • Methodology for formatting academic work
  • Socio-anthropological foundations of physical education


  • Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services
  • Brazilian Olympic Committee
  • Social Service of Commerce (Brazil)
  • Industry Social Service (Brazil)
  • Catarinense Basketball Federation (Brazil)


  • Research Assistant - Federal University of Santa Catarina (2018-2022)
  • Research Associate - University of Ottawa (2021-2022)
  • Research assistant - Federal University of Santa Catarina (2016-2018)
  • Research Associate - University of Ottawa (2017-2018)


  • Recipient of an international fellowship in the United States under the Brazilian government's Science sans Frontières program.
  • Recipient of an international scholarship to Canada as part of the Canadian government's Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program.
  • Recipient of an international scholarship in Canada as part of the Brazilian government's CAPES-PrInt program.


Scientific articles

Milan, F. J., Knight, C. J., de Oliveira, L. M., Ciampolini, V., & Milistetd, M. (2024). An integrative review of parent education approaches in sport: Considerations for program planning and evaluation. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 34(4), e14620.

Ciampolini, V., Kramers, S., Camiré, M., Nascimento, J. V., & Milistetd, M. (2024). The shy girl who became national team captain: a bioecological narrative of an Olympian's life skills development. Sport in Society, 27(5), 783-803.

Oliveira, L. M., Ciampolini, V., Milistetd, M., Barbosa-Rinaldi, I. P., & Pizani, J. (2023). Demands stated by artistic gymnastics coaches at the beginning of their careers. Science of Gymnastics Journal, 15(1), 121-131.

Bussinger, G. H. D. L., Resende, R. M. C., Milistetd, M., Ciampolini, V., & Nascimento, J. V. (2023). Conceptions and leadership principles of high-performance Brazilian soccer coaches. Journal of Physical Education, 34(1), 1-12.

Moura, W. A. M., Milan, F. J., Cortela, C. C., Ciampolini, V., & Milistetd, M. (2023). O desenvolvimento profissional de uma treinadora brasileira de tênis no alto rendimento [The professional development of a Brazilian coach in high-performance tennis]. Movimento, 29(1), 1-19.

Oliveira, L. M., Ciampolini, V., Milistetd, M., & Pizani, J. (2022). Percepções de treinadores de ginástica artística sobre a formação inicial em Educação Física em Instituições Privadas de Ensino Superior [Perceptions of artistic gymnastics coaches about their undergraduate course in physical education in private higher education institutions]. Revista Brasileira de Psicologia do Esporte, 12(3), 238-257.

Milan, F. J., Ciampolini, V., Costa, G. H., & Milistetd, M. (2023). A família faz parte da equipe: ampliando o diálogo sobre a presença dos pais no esporte [The family is part of the team: expanding the dialogue about the presence of parents in sports]. Pensar a Prática, 26(1), 1-28.

Cardoso, A. A., Ciampolini, V., Silva, J. D., Salles, W. N., Moura, W. A. M., & Nascimento, J. V. (2022). Teaching-learning environment in initial university training in physical education. Journal of Physical Education, 33(1), 1-10.

Palheta, C. E., Ciampolini, V., Santos, F., Ibáñez, S. J., Nascimento, J. V., & Milistetd, M. (2022). Challenges in promoting positive youth development through sport. Sustainability, 14(19), 1-12.

Ciampolini, V., Camiré, M., Neves Salles, W., Nascimento, J. V., & Milistetd, M. (2021). Researcher, coach developer, and coaches' perspectives on learner-centered teaching in a rugby coach education program. International Sport Coaching Journal, 9(1), 20-29.

Ciampolini, V., Nascimento, J. V., & Milistetd, M. (2022). O potencial do rugby para o desenvolvimento de habilidades para a vida [The potential of rugby for life skills development]. Pensar a Prática, 25(1), 1-23.

Kramers, S., Camiré, M., Ciampolini, V., & Milistetd, M. (2021). development of a life skills self-assessment tool for coaches. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 13(1), 54-64.

Palheta, C. E., Ciampolini, V., Nunes, E. L. G., Santos, F., & Milistetd, M. (2020). Between intentionality and reality to promote positive youth development in sport-based programs: a case study in Brazil. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 26(2), 197-209.

Ciampolini, V., Santos, F., Quinaud, R. T., Camiré, M., Migliano, M. O., Nascimento, J. V., & Milistetd, M. (2021). Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Portuguese Coaching Life Skills in Sport Questionnaire. SAGE Open, 11(2), 1-10.

Milistetd, M., Camiré, M., Ciampolini, V., Quinaud, R. T., & Nascimento, J. V. (2021). Psychosocial development and mental health in youth Brazilian club athletes: examining the effects of age, sport type, and training experience. Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano, 23, 1-11.

Nunes, E. L. G., Ciampolini, V., Santos, F., Palheta, C. E., Nascimento, J. V., & Milistetd, M. (2021). Composite vignettes of former Brazilian high-performance volleyball athletes' perspective on life skills learning and transfer. Journal of Sports Sciences, 39(23), 2674-2682.

Nunes, E. L. G., Ciampolini, V., & Milistetd, M. (2021). Desenvolvimento e transferência de habilidades para a vida no esporte de alto rendimento: um estudo autoetnográfico [Development and transfer of life skills in high-performance sports: an autoethnographic study]. Revista Brasileira de Psicologia do Esporte, 11(1), 23-39.

Ciampolini, V., Tozetto, A. V. B., Milan, F. J., Camiré, M., & Milistetd, M. (2020). Lifelong learning pathway of a coach developer operating in a national sport federation. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 15(3), 428-438.

Iha, T., Ciampolini, V., Brasil, V. Z., & Milistetd, M. (2020). As implicações do coaching science nos esportes de aventura: um estudo de revisão sistemática [Coaching scnce implications in adventure sports: a systematic review study]. Movimento, 26, 1-17.

Ciampolini, V., Milistetd, M., Kramers, S., & Nascimento, J. V. (2020). What are life skills and how to integrate them within sports in Brazil to promote Positive Youth Development? Journal of Physical Education, 31(1), 1-11.

Ciampolini, V., Milistetd, M., Anello, J. L. S., Iha, T., & Nascimento, J. V. (2020). Análise de um programa federativo para a formação continuada de treinadores de basquetebol [Analysis of a federative program for the continuing education of basketball coaches]. Conexões, 18, 1-18.

Ciampolini, V., Milistetd, M., Milan, F. J., Palheta, C. E., Silva, N., & Nascimento, J. V. (2020). Percepções sobre um projeto esportivo organizado para o desenvolvimento de habilidades para a vida [Perceptions of a sports program organized for the development of life skills]. Revista Brasileira de Psicologia do Esporte, 10(1), 62-85.

Ciampolini, V.; Salles, W. N.; Folle, A.; Nascimento, J. V. (2019). Nível de desempenho técnico-tático de atletas de basquetebol feminino em categorias de formação [Technical-tactical performance level of youth women's basketball athletes across age categories]. Revista Brasileira de Educação Física e Esporte, 33(1) 173-181.

Ciampolini, V., Milistetd, M., Rynne, S. B., Brasil, V. Z., & Nascimento, J. V. (2019). Research review on coaches' perceptions regarding the teaching strategies experienced in coach education programs. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 14(2), 216-228.

Ciampolini, V., Milistetd, M., Brasil, V. Z., & Nascimento, J. V. (2019). Teaching strategies adopted in coach education programs: Analysis of publications from 2009 to 2015. Journal of Physical Education, 30(1), 1-14.

Ciampolini, V., Milistetd, M., & Nascimento, J. V. (2019). Desenvolvimento de um programa federativo de formação de treinadores baseado em competências: o caso da CBRu [Development of a competency-based coach education program in a sport federation: The case of CBRu]. Pensar a Prática, 22, 1-14.

Milistetd, M., Ciampolini, V., Mendes, M. S., Cortela, C. C., & Nascimento, J. V. (2018). Student-coaches perceptions about their learning activities in the university context. Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte, 40(3), 281-287.

Ciampolini, V., Pinto, M. G., Sousa, G. R. D., Silva, D. A. S., & Galatti, L. R. (2018). Do athletes with physical disabilities perceive their quality of life similarly when involved in different Paralympic Sports?". Motriz: Revista de Educação Física, 24(4), 1-6.

Ciampolini, V., Nascimento, J. V., Ibáñez, S. J., Nicolazzi, L. O., Camaroto, M., Rocha, J. C. S., & Saad, M. A. (2018). Offensive technical-tactical analysis on NBA finalist teams: A case study. Journal of Physical Education, 29(1), 1-11.

Ciampolini, V., Galatti, L. R., & Silva, D. A. S. (2017). Relação entre qualidade de vida e tempo de prática paradesportiva em praticantes de Tênis em Cadeira de Rodas [Relationship between quality of life and adapted sports practice in wheelchair tennis players]. Revista Stricto Sensu, 2(1), 32-36.

Ciampolini, V., Columna, L., Lapolli, B., Iha, T., Carter Grosso, E., Silva, D. A. S., & Galatti, L. R. (2017). Quality of life of Brazilian wheelchair tennis athletes across competitive and elite levels. Motriz, 23(2), 1-6.

Both, J., Borgatto, A. F., Lemos, C. A. F., Ciampolini, V., & do Nascimento, J. V. (2017). Physical education teachers' wellbeing and its relation with gender. Motricidade, 13(4), 23-32.

Ciampolini, V., Ibáñez, S. J., Nunes, E. L. G., Borgatto, A. F., & Nascimento, J. V. (2018). Factors associated with basketball field goals made in the 2014 NBA finals. Motriz: Revista de Educação Física, 23(4), 1-7.

Milistetd, M., Ciampolini, V., Salles, W. D. N., Ramos, V., Galatti, L. R., & Nascimento, J. V. (2016). Coaches' development in Brazil: Structure of sports organizational programmes. Sports Coaching Review, 5(2), 138-152.

Both, J., Borgatto, A. F., Sonoo, C. N., Lemos, C. A. F., Ciampolini, V., & Nascimento, J. V. (2016). Multiple jobholding associated with the wellbeing of Physical Education teachers in southern Brazil. Educación Física y Deporte, 35(1), 117-140.

Ciampolini, V., Silva, D. A. S., Fernandes, L. L., & Galatti, L. R. (2014). Benefícios psicossociais do treinamento esportivo em tênis em cadeira de rodas [Psychosocial benefits of sport training in wheelchair tennis]. ConScientiae Saúde, 13(Suppl), 119-122.


Milistetd, M., Ciampolini, V., Palheta, C. E., & Anelo, J. (2020). Coleção cadernos do treinador: Desenvolvimento Positivo de Jovens [Collection coach's textbook: positive youth development] (1 ed.). Câmara Brasileira do Livro.

Book chapters

Ciampolini, V., Nascimento, J. V., Moura, W. A. M., & Milistetd, M. (2021). Potencializando o componente educacional do Tênis por meio do ensino de habilidades para a vida [Enhancing the educational component of tennis by teaching life skills]. In C. C. Cortela & S. P. Souza (Eds.), Tênis com ciência (pp. 329-348).

Brasil, V. Z.; Ellmer, E.; Greenberg, E.; Ciampolini, V. (2020). Coaching for adventures sports. In R. Resende, & R. Gomes (Eds.). Coaching for human development and performance in sports (pp. 225-244). Springer.

Saad, M. A., Quinaud, R. T., Ciampolini, V. (2019). Desafios e perspectivas para a prática desportiva universitária [Challenges and prospects for university sports practice]. In F. R. Costa, M. A. A. Cadavid, & F. F. B. Carneiro (Eds.). Ultimate frisbee: Organização, conhecimento e prática de ensino (pp. 87-102) CRV.

Ciampolini, V., Milistetd, M., Salles, W. N., Saad, M. A., & Nascimento, J. V. (2017). Formação federativa de treinadores esportivos no Brasil: Proposta de integração do ensino centrado no aprendiz [Federative training of sports coaches in Brazil: A proposal to integrate learner-centered teaching]. In R. H. Gonzalez & M. M. T. Machado (Eds.), Pedagogia do esporte: Novas tendências (pp. 349-367). Tavares & Tavares.

Salles, W. N., Figueiredo, J. P., Ciampolini, V., Milistetd, M., & Nascimento, J. V. Por uma Educação Física centrada no aprendiz: considerações sobre os contextos educação, esporte e saúde. In A. Shigunov Neto & A. Fortunato (Eds.). O profissional de Educação Física e suas atividades: olhares multidisciplinares (67-90). Edições Hipótese.

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